Several years ago, a joint Canadian-American study from KGK Synergize and the US Dept of Agricultureflavonoids, may help to prevent prostate cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma.
showed that certain substances found in citrus juices, called
A flavonoid found in tangerines and oranges effectively inhibited human lung cancer cells in laboratory studies.
The website Elements4Health, summarizes the health benefits of oranges, in reducing cholesterol, arthritis prevention, kidney stone prevention, and cancer prevention.
That's another great reason to each citrus fruits, which are also an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, and folate.
The power of Orange!
This blog is devoted to all edibles that are orange. Here, you will learn a lot about orange foods - not just what they are, but also how nutritious they are. We'll recommend delicious recipes, and suggest how you can throw fun, orange-themed parties. We'll even identify some coordinating tableware, paper goods, and table favors for your parties. And - just for fun - we'll include some "famous" orange edibles in literature, music, poetry, and the movies.